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In case you don’t know what Child World is, check out the Child World Wiki
CBS Boston Affiliate, WBZ, aired this story on Child World.
Child World was founded by Sidney Shneider in the early 1960s.
I worked at Child World #75, in Danvers, MA, from 1986 until the time they went out of business in 1992.

Prior to the store opening in Danvers, MA, I vaguely remember going to the Child World in Swampscott, MA in the early/mid 1970’s (which was very small, and was eventually replaced by Danvers).
It was located in the same plaza as Marshall’s – and I think it was right next door to it.
Many of the Child World stores had red interior walls, very high shelving, and mercury lighting.
The store I worked at did have the high ceilings, but its walls were painted white, with a green & blue horizonal line that spanned the entire perimeter. It was one of the more profitable stores, and was beginning to get run down.
There were talks of renovations for years. By the time the company had committed to renovating our store, the company had introduced its Prototype store in Framingham, MA, seen below.
You can see part of phase 1 of the Danvers Child World remodel – as well as the ultimate goal – AND a recently uncovered video clip of the finished remodel on the Employee Videos page.
In July 2020, some content of the Employee Videos was featured on Post-Mortar’s YouTube page. You can find the complete documentary here – or view in-line below – fantastic job Alex! 🙂
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*** Please note: Google changed their MAP policy effective June 11, 2018. Please contact us if there is a map that doesn’t load properly.
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This is the company that proudly opened a store in Los Angeles just so we could say we had stores coast to coast. Our nearest distribution center was in Kansas City – it took 24 hours to deliver a truck load of merchandise. In Ohio I remember one time calling to find out why we didn’t have any Flexible Flyer sleds in the winter, then I met a manager from a New Orleans, LA store who said he had a couple hundred Flexible Flyer sleds in his backroom and didn’t know what to do with them. And don’t forget our… Read more »
Our store’s pet department was fairly successful. But there were times when a parakeet would fly out of the cage & be in the rafters or shelves for a day or so.
Our store also had a cockatoo, which some people were trying to teach offensive language to…
And our guinea pigs used to reproduce like rabbits – there were a few occasions where the mom would eat one of more of the offspring…
Opened a store in Los Angeles…Huh. That’s interesting.
That particular store might have a unique place in history: It could have been one of several toy stores which supplied the crew on “Ghostbusters” with toy cars that were used in the Stay-Puft rampage. The FX team went on at length on the DVD features about how they had to scrounge up every police car they could find in the specific scale they needed, and from there chopped them up and repainted them into taxis, fire trucks, Ecto-1, etc.
Dear Child World Toy Company, I want to bring back in business Child World Toy Store includes with Cartoon Characters Peter Panda and I want 500 Location of the largest-cities and states in everywhere around the world includes China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand and Canada for the part of the name Kids Toy Store biggest on sale some expensive Exclusive label all toys action figures pack, toys action vehicle pack, doll figure pack, video games includes with toy figurines, the new arcade games and fun prizes, bikes, skateboards,… Read more »
Dear Child World Toy Company, Please I want to bring back in the future to re-grand opening to re-launched Child World Toy Store in the locations include Northern California, Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Maryland, State of New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Iowa, Ohio, Alaska, Hawaii, Oregon, State of Washington, Idaho and Montana and I am a big huge fans in the 80’s & early 90’s childhood at Child World Toy Store and please bring it back to saving money to compare to similar from Toys… Read more »
Who are you?
I am a retired toy executive who did a ton of business with child world. What a same they are no longer with us. It should be noted that one of the BEST TOY CHAIN executives AT CHILD WORLD was one pf the founders of SPORTS AUTHORITY. (also defunct)
It wasn’t his fault. It was the new owners who labored on antiquated store design,systems and prosecutes.
Thank you for taking the time to comment.
I am an IT professional, who worked throughout my high school & college years at a Child World store. Had the chain not gone under, I’m convinced that I would have ended up working in the MIS/IT department in Avon upon graduating from college.
Dear Child World Toy Store, I am a huge fans of Child World Super Toy Store and I was a kid from New Orleans, Louisiana and I like Child World Super Toy Store and I like to play Arcade Games inside Child World Super Toy Store and I want to bring it back in business early 2017 and I want it bring it back in business Child World Super Toy Store in the location of Southern California and Northern California please I want to bring it back in business Headquarters Company in Massachusetts. Appreciate Ya! Want Many Places Huy Uu… Read more »
Dear Child World Toy Store,
I really like Child World Super Toy Store to bring it out in
every California City to build a new location of Child World
Super Toy Store in Los Angeles County, San Diego County,
Santa Clara County, Sacramento County, Alameda County,
San Joaquin County, Stanislaus County and Fresno County
and I really like Child World Super Toy Store compared to
Toys “R”Us and please to build location of Child World
Super Toy Store for next year in early 2017.
Appreciate Ya!
Want Many Places
Huy Uu Tran
Thank You!
Your site it wrong. Child World was founded by Joseph Arnesano. Check the MA SOS filings. Sidney Schneider was brought on as a partner and given 50% interest. Please update
Hi Nancy,
Thank you for notifying me of the potential error on the site.
Could you please provide me a direct link to the MA SOS filings, which shows that Child World was founded by Joseph Arnesano? When I perform the search for Child World, Inc, or on Joseph Arnesano, I cannot find any connection to the two.
There were many sites that stated Sidney Schneider was the founder,including his obituary.
I will gladly update the information on this website once I have the direct links to the MA SOS filing that proves that the site is incorrect.
Thank you
nancy is just a little off on this. joe and sid worked for a company call smith and mercy in boston and left to start their owe company which they called child world. most of the early employees also followed them from the former employeer. I worked in Medford starting fall 1966. rich vitagliano
I found a cup from Child World in my attic and I wonder if it has any value? I don’t even think it was mine, might have been my older siblings’. I’m 25 and was less than 1 yr old throughout most of 1992 LOL.
Thanks for your reply,
Not sure of the cup’s value – is it ceramic, plastic, or glass?
If you are able to provide a picture of it, I can post it on the site.
Ah,Child World! Those were the days! I remember Child World when I first saw it at the North Dartmouth Mall and I bought my He-Man Masters Of The Universe figures there and then when it moved to the Ann & Hope Plaza across from the mall,I bought my first Nintendo Entertainment System there!
Dear Child World,
I remember those days about Child World Toy Store and I want
to bring back our memory in good business headquarter
company in every location in the United States.
Thank You!
Used to love it when my mom would take my brothers and me to the Children’s Palace in Bridgeville, PA, and then to the Chuck E. Cheese’s that was down the hill.
I didn’t know the company went under when I was 11, that explains why we stopped going there at a certain point even when we were going to Chuck E. Cheese’s.
We lived right down from the new headquarters in Avon. Before they built the building it was a great place to play. There were these sand pits. Pretty fun as an 8 or 9 year old. When they opened they were looking for local people to work for them. My mother and her friend walked down and applied, they were hired. My mom joined as a bookkeeper in the accounting department, I was in 3rd grade. My mom worked hard and it was noticed. They sent her to accounting school over at Stonehill College. I forget her title, but she… Read more »
Hi All,
I worked in the Bay Shore, Long Island, NY store from 1980 to 1988. It was a great store and we had the best crew ever. Hubby and our daughter where in a commercial that Child World produced way back when. Sorry that this once great toy store is no longer around.
I worked on Long Island from 86 to 92. I managed Levittown and then BayShore. Bill Wright was the DM. Best boss ever. I left just before remodels started. I remember the World of Nintendo pet department many late nights but a great time
Christmas!!!!! Christmas!!!!! Christmas!!!!! Heres another one Christmas!!!!Bill was the best!!
Hey frank. I remember you. You were a great boss. It’s kevin Kenefick worked there 88 thru 91 in Levittown. Fun times.
This was my favorite toy store growing up. I remember in East haven CT off of I-95. I tell everyone I know how great we had it as kids. We had a Childworld across the street from a Toys r’ us and a Bradlees. Bradlees was another great store. If one store didn’t have the gi joe
You wanted just go across the street to one of the other giant we’ll stocked toy stores. Childworld was the best! Congrats to everyone involved in that store.
I just want everyone to be aware that some people who worked during the time cole national owned the company you might be entitled to a pension. I have filed for mine and can take monthly payments or a lump sum one time payout. I think I am going with the payout and I will be getting over 68 k . the best part is we did not pay one cent into this. you can contact me for info at vig842@aol.com . rich vitagliano store # 02 and #14
I remember…Oh, God, I remember. I think I’ve been to about three of the locations: Ford City; Chicago Ridge Annex; and the one in Orland Park. I can tell you for a fact that the Chicago Ridge location housed an Office Depot after CW closed down; now that Office Depot is gone, it’s going to be a Ross. The funny thing is, the battlements and arches from the Child World are the only constants shared by the three tenants. The Chicago Ridge one is the one I visited the most, because it was on the way to Moraine Valley, where… Read more »
Nick ,do you know where other locations in the Chicago area , I’m trying to remember the one I went to, We stood in line on opening day to get free teddy bear … I’m from berwyn … I got alot of GI JOES from that place
Um………I vaguely recall one somewhere in Orland Park–I think it’s a Trader Joe’s. Had I gone in there at some point I’d definitely remember it.
I CERTAINLY recall the one at Ford City, accessible through The Connection, a series of escalators. That’s where we got our first Monopoly board, and a “Spy Tech” cartridge-based camera that could be concealed in a (custom) Good’N’Plenty box.
Now come to think of it. There WAS one somewhere in the Chicago area, and it had a Menard’s Superstore next to it or within the same radius. Of course, by the time the Menard’s had opened, it was an empty husk, but the “arches” on the door, the battlements, and the ghost of the signage was left behind. I can give you no more than that, Celezio. This was 1998. Best I can offer you is “search for Menard’s in the Downtown Chicago area in Google Maps, then go to street view for each address until you hit something… Read more »
I worked on Long Island from 1986 to 1992 in the Levittown and Bay Shore locations I worked for Bill Wright a great mentor I left just as the remodels were starting ( world of Barbie etc) Great times
For no particular reason, my brain is obsessed at finding out just what the huge toy store was where I shopped for my daughter in the 1980’s. When I saw interior photos of warehouse-looking, stacked shelving, I knew it had to be Child World. Now I need a reminder as to where mine was located in CT! I drove north from Greenwich on I95, I think to Norwalk. Maybe a bit past. I’d love to know where it was located! I guess I didn’t shop there enough to plant it in my memory but I remember absolutely loving it. I… Read more »
I didn’t realize I was on a dedicated Child World site when I wrote the above comments! My store was in Westport!! Tks so much for this fabulous site! I’m now looking at commercials and already see a couple of toys I bought there. 2XL in 1980 was one of them & I can’t believe I could afford $49.95 on my meager wages back then. But it was all about the kids, wasn’t it! Thanks for the thrills. I shared the commercials with my oldest who was 9 when he got his 2XL that we are soon bringing out of… Read more »
I worked at the levittown store from 88 to 91 while I was in high school. Looking back, it was the best job I had while coming of age. I still can name what was in what aisles. During my time the action figures where hot like the ninja turtles and ghosts buster figures. The store had a huge scary basement. Half of the basemet would fill with layaway items. I remember doing customer pick ups tying swing sets on people cars. There wasn’t a lot of people that worked there so it was like a small family. We even… Read more »
Hi I was the Child World artist from 81-87 and have drawn Peter Panda a million times. Great memories.
I can’t count the number of moments that people get countered these principles,
and compensated the purchase price for it.
This is the absolute BEST site ever for the GREATEST TOY STORE THAT EVER EXISTED! I remember the Bayshore, NY store so fondly from the 80’s into the early 90’s. Traveling there on bus by myself at 9/10 years old to buy myself and my sister toys across from the Southside Mall. How much I miss this store so much! I remember when they put out the Masters if the Universe toys. The She-Ra Princess of Power full end cap from top to bottom in front of the store. The Gi Joe Aisle. The Transformers and Star Wars one. Every… Read more »